See for yourself
Support the STEM Fields
There are limits to part time instruction which will result in more revenue loss.
Community Members Speak Out
As BMCC proceeds with the proposed cuts community members rally.
Administrative Blunders
The BMCC Administration has made negligent mistakes, how can we trust this proposal is the right course of action?
Administrative Hypocrisy
The BMCC Administration has made false claims and repeated empty gestures.
Quality of Programming
By reducing the instructor pool, will the college be able to offer the same number of courses?
Community Growth
These almost 30 cuts are short sighted and will ultimately limit student choice and degree options.
A Fall in the Ranks
We are barely meeting demand as is. Faculty cuts would further erode enrollment costing the college money.
Graduation Rate
Time to graduation will increase if students cannot register for the required classes. Why delay the returns on educational investment.
The Faculty Contract is NOT the problem.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement is a joint effort and accord formed between faculty and administrators.